Boema - you'll be among beer geeks and you can explore the shelves or the menu to order some of the 100+ bottled beers on the list
Address: 4 Tasnad St., Manastur Neighborhood
Fabrica de Bere - if you want to drink URSUS from the source
Address: 2-6 Calea Manastur St., close to city centre
Ludwig Bavarian Bierhaus - to taste the beers that they make since it is VERY possbile that you will NOT have seen them anywhere else in town
Address: 4 Stefan Octavian Iosif St., city centre
Republic - for going deep into the fascinating world of Ceské Pivo
Address: 25 Emil Isac St., city centre
If you feel like having something to eat, you can also try the tasty snacks and food in all these places.
Here is a map with the locations.
This tiny guide was not intended to be authoritative:-) We just want to give you the possibility to discover as many places and beers as possible during your visit to Cluj. If you have any questions or, better still, suggestions, this is your space.
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